Glenna’s Greatest Hits: All-Time Design Favorites
Like the perfect cashmere sweater or a tool that rests so comfortably in your hand, there are design details, textures, colors and elements that work wonderfully well again and again. These become the personal perennial favorites for professional designers, ending up in clients’ homes and, sometimes, in their own personal spaces.
In lightning-round fashion, we pitched quick queries to Glenna to garner her unvarnished opinions and all-time faves. Read on to learn the insider bests and a few “no-ways” from Glenna’s decades of experience.
Organic Geometry
What might sound like a cross between chemistry and math is actually a beautiful representation of the perfect imperfections found in nature. On fabrics, rugs, wallcoverings, or even the veining of natural stone tops, the imperfect but repeating patterns mimic what the eye sees and the brain composes from the organic world. Subtle or bold, these elements subconsciously induce both interest and calm in our psyche.

Staying On Track
Favorite sofa style got a speedy and pretty definitive response: track arm style with exposed feet or legs. So what does that translate to? A flatter profile on the arm (as opposed to rolled or round arms) and no skirt or pleats covering the bottom of the sofa. Beyond that, there’s a plethora of silhouettes to choose from. One example is below.

Color Me…
This one has several responses from Glenna.
Favorite neutral — Benjamin Moore’s Pale Oak (OC-20) thanks to its ability to make a space feel cozy while having enough depth to look luxe.
Favorite saturated shade — Hale Navy (HC-154), another standout from Benjamin Moore. Classic but completely modern, this is a shade of blue that fits almost any environment, inside or out.
Favorite accent color — A jewel-toned dark blue green. Glenna and the team selected it as an accent in the GSID Studio

Build It In for Lasting Luxury
Team Floating Shelves or Built-Ins got an immediate response: built-in shelving, for sure. The millwork adds dimension and character and the more permanent look anchors the space.

Bonus Round
Countertop Material: Quartzite. It’s a natural material that looks great, is long-lasting and doesn’t require much maintenance.

Colored Appliances: Yes, maybe. When integrated properly a beautiful periwinkle blue or charcoal grey with brass accents is fantastic. If there’s a lot going on in the kitchen, stay with simple appliance colors.
Favorite Fabrics: Textured with a soft feel. Performance fabrics are wonderful now, especially in solid shades. There’s even performance velvet (a big win!)

Favorite Art: Abstract with a defined motif; mixed media is interesting, too.

Last But Not Least
Accent Item you’d have in Abundance: Luxurious candles
Rainhead Showers: That’s a no for a lot of reasons—reduced water pressure, harder to rinse your hair, harder still to avoid getting your hair wet
Coffee, Tea or Energy Drink: 100% coffee but only in the morning
Colored Markers, Colored Pencils or Digital Design App: Technology is a great help in our business but nothing beats the personal infusion and beauty of hand drawings with colored pencils. There’s depth and interest in the hand rendering, and it goes back to that perfectly imperfect that is so lovely. Plus, the act of drawing with pencils ignites a burst of creative energy.
Let us know some of your all-time favorite designs, paints or fabrics. Drop your preferences in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you.
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Glenna Stone Interior Design is an award-winning Philadelphia interior design firm serving Philadelphia, the Main Line, and surrounding cities. Utilizing her background and training in interior design, architecture, and engineering, Glenna specializes in creating interiors for residential and commercial design settings. We invite you to visit our website, view our portfolio, and catch up on the latest interior design concepts on our blog!