Main Line interior designer Tag

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As we do every October, we're talking about trends!  Our vendor partners have provided amazing virtual, digital, and print resources that allow us to keep our finger on the pulse of what's new. This year, our design team has selected our favorite design trends for


If you're familiar with our work, you may have noticed how frequently we use mirrors in our designs.  Mirrors are one of the most versatile accents in any space.  There's the practical aspect of checking your appearance, of course, especially while you're getting ready or


In many of our designs, our clients ask us to create small space solutions.  Thinking outside of the box to find ways to maximize every inch of a space lets us flex those design muscles and find an intersection between style and functionality.  Looking for


Earlier this year, we discussed how to select your kitchen sink material; today we're pivoting to choosing a sink style!  We're not just focusing on the kitchen here, although we will talk about those.  A sink is one of the hardest working features in your