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Some interior projects are driven by function first; this is definitely the case when we design or redesign a mudroom.  For many of us, fall and winter are just around the corner and will bring rain, mud, and even snow.  Creating a mudroom keeps messy


This week, we're talking about one of our favorite design details: mirrors!  If you're familiar with our work, you may have noticed how frequently we incorporate them.  As one of the most versatile elements in design, we've layered them into spaces from entries to kitchens. 


Summer is the perfect time to reveal our East Avenue mudroom, especially since it opens directly to the fabulous backyard pool area!  While we designed it for year-round function (and our clients' busy family), it really shines during pool season. Style + Function: Our East Avenue


When it comes to design details, it's key for us to talk with our clients about why window treatments matter.  They're not something you might think of immediately when considering a design project, but they are so important! Why window treatments matter: Privacy, light control, and